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Soria information

Esteban de Gormaz: Castle of Gormaz

This Moslem, Calif-style fortress was built in the 10th century to defend the lands of the Duero from Christian attacks during the Reconquest. Divided into two areas by a moat: the fortress and the walled enclosure where the soldiers and the cisterns were. In the fortress there were seven towers out of which the Almanzor and the Keep are the most interesting. It also had an underground reservoir and an important armoury. This castle is mentioned in the "Cantar de Mío Cid". El Cid Campeador was mayor of the fortress once taken by the Christians. It is the longest fortification in Europe.

Source: Web server of Instituto de Turismo de España, TURESPAÑA.

Soria guide

Castilla y Leon Map
Soria Map
Soria information
Soria Monuments
Soria Museums
Soria Food & Wine
Soria Festivals
Soria accommodation
Soria restaurants

Osma information
Osma Castle
Osma gastronomy
Osma surroundings
Osma accommodation
Osma restaurants
Medinaceli information
Medinaceli accommodation
Medinaceli restaurants

Esteban information
Esteban Castle
Esteban accommodation & restaurants
Almazan information
Almazan festivities
Almazan accommodation
Almazan restaurants
Valonsadero archaeological site
Soria Golf Course

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