Navarra information
Navarre is a land of tasty meats and delicate vegetables, without
forgetting river fishs, prepared in an original way.<
As an aperitif you can have the popular fried “txistorra”
that is a sort of thin and spicy sausage
The vegetable offer is very wide, from the typical “cogollicos”
de Tudela (baby tender lettuce) ,”pimientos del piquillo”(small
red peppers , cooked in a very special way) or the asparagus,
artichokes de la “Mejana”.<
In Pamplona the bull stew is very typical during and after the
San Fermin Festivities.
We do not have to forget the fantastic wines aged in Navarra
, from the refreshing “rosados” to the most aromatic
and complex red .
And of course , we have to mention the “Pacharan”
a medium sweet liquor, usually served on the rocks and as a digestive.