Maps of Spain to help plan your holiday.

Avila information

Arenas de San Pedro: Restaurants guide

Cafeteria Prado
Tel: +34 920370386

Tel: +34 920371268

Cuevas del Aguila
Tel: +34 920377106

El Inca
Tel: +34 920371274

Hosteria los Galayos
Tel: +34 920370250

La Caracola
Tel: +34 920370683

Meson del Puente
Tel: +34 920370274

Meson Restaurante La Golondrina
Tel: +34 920370746

Pizzeria Yasta
Tel: +34 920370096

Yong An
Tel: +34 920371647

Source: Web server of Instituto de Turismo de España, TURESPAÑA.

Avila guide

Castilla y Leon Map
Avila map
Arenas Accomodation
Arenas castle
Arenas caves
Arenas restaurants
Arevalo information
Arevalo restaurants
Arevalo accommodation
Cochinillo of Arevalo

Avila information
Basilica of Avila
Cathedral of Avila
Avila Gastronomy
Avila Outskirts
Avila Golf Course
Avila Holy Week
Avila Monastery
Avila Walls
Avila Museums

Avila Restaurants
The Avila of Sta. Teresa
Avila writers
Barco information
Barco Castle
Barco accommodation & restaurants
Barco Beans
Barco of Carlos V
Madrigal information

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