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Granada information

The Poniente of Granada

This region was the last border of Al- Andalus. It is the western sector of the country of Granada and takes up to 2,000 km2. This region incluyes 16 towns: Algarinejo, Alhama de Granada, Arenas del Rey, Hüator, Jayena, Illora, Loja, Moraleda de Zafayona, Salar, Santa Cruz del Comercio,…

Getting there and around is easy since one of the main highways of Andalucía A-92, runs across it. The place closet to the city of Granada is 20 minutes away and the farthest one is only 45 minutes to Málaga.

This vast area is full of beautiful spots such as Alhama and its health resort, the reservoir of Bermejales, the fortress at Loja, the castles of Moclín, Íllora, Zagra and Montefrío, the medieval tower at Salar, the church of La Encarnación at Montefrío.

There are more than beautiful spots and historical towns though. This region also offers archaeological areas in Sierra Martilla and a rich typical cuisine that takes advantage of products from this area like trout of Ríofrío, asparagus of Huetor Tajar, hand made cheese from Montefrío, Jalar and Jayena, wine and mushrooms from Alhama, tomatoes from Zafarraya, bade doughnuts from Loja and olive oil and pork products from the whole region.
There are also great comfortable places to stay and enjoy the hospitality of the people of this land such as the Hotel de Bobadilla or the food court of Ríofrío.

Granada province

Alhama de Granada

El Temple information
Lowland Area
Poniente of Granada
River Verde
Sierra Nevada
Valle de Lecrín


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