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ADVERTISEMENT Car hire Granada

Granada information

El Temple information

This region- next to the Valle de Lecrín is situated in a high plateau south of the valley of Granada. Its altitude ranges from 700 to 1000 metres above sea level. It has an extension of 282 km and a population of 10.000 inhabitants spread through 7 different towns.

Some of the attractions of this area are its kinds and natural inhabitants, the typical quiet life of small villages and the beautiful sights of Sierra Nevada and the Sierra de la Pera a local chain of mountains with peaks that reach 1389m above sea level (Cerro Cristiano). This region has a Mediterranean- continental weather and provides a good source of clay soil that makes the land no suitable for agriculture but good for gypsum quarries. The plateau becomes a green sea of crops during spring. Farmers grow cereal, olive, and almond trees. This area is also good for livestock that is fed with the thickets that grow in the mountains.

The metropolitan area of Granada is growing so fast that has already hit some of the villages of this region such as Alhedín. This growth will lead to changes that will affect the economic and technical features of this region but, as for nowadays, it is still a place to enjoy the calmness and tranquillity typical of the small towns in Andalucia but just 10 minutes away from the city

Granada province

Alhama de Granada

El Temple information
Lowland Area
Poniente of Granada
River Verde
Sierra Nevada
Valle de Lecrín


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