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Vera almeria

Vera is one of the best destinations for enjoying Holy Week and excellent beaches at the same time. Along its five kilometres of coast are found fine sand beaches and secluded inlets cut into the Almagrera and Cabrera mountain ranges. The beaches come in all sorts, from El Playazo the most frequented. To those devoted to nudism on the extreme north end of the coast.

All have crystalline waters that permit the practice of any type of water sport; underwater sports are a good choice. Another good option is to experience its Holy week. On Holy Wednesday witness the way of the Cross, on Holy Thursday see the procession of the brotherhood od St Juan Bautista and Christ the Merciful and on Good Friday the men arise in silence and perform the Delivery of Jesus to Pilate, a procession that conveys the image of Jesus from the hermitage of San Ramón to the Plaza Mayor, where it meets the Virgin and a priest delivers a religious exhortation. A Roman soldier next pronounces Pilate’s sentence and a day of absorption begins with the procession of the other cafrodias. When you visit the village makes a stop at the terraza Carmona or the Vera Hotel, where the traditional cuisine will bolster the body before you stroll through the pin-neat streets to see the Incarnation Church, the Padres Minimos convert or the vestiges of Muslim Vera on Espiritu Santo Hill.

Almeria province

Adra Almeria
Albox Almeria
Almanzora Almeria
Almeria eastern coast
Almeria western coast
Antas Almeria
Bedar Almeria
Cabo de Gata
Carboneras Almeria
Costa Almeria
Cuevas de Almanzora
Ejido almeria
Garrucha almeria
Costa Levante Almeria

Laujar de Andarax
Los Gallardos Almeria
Lucainena de las Torres
Mojacar almeria
Costa Poniente Almeria
Roquetas de mar almeria
San Jose almeria
San Juan Almeria
Sorbas Almeria
Tabernas almeria
Turre Almeria
Velez Blanco
Velez Rubio
Vera almeria


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