Maps of Spain to help plan your holiday.

Castilla y Leon information

Routes of Sefarad

A journey in time through Jewish Spain

For many centuries, until 1492, the Iberian Peninsula was a mosaic of peoples, cultures and religions. The presence until this time of Jewish communities embellished the urban geography of Spain, specially in Castilla y León. These communities developed their own culture, practised their customs and their religion and went about their social life in close contact with both Christian and Arab communities. The wealth left by this reality is a common inheritance, a collective heritage of many of Spain´s peoples. The Routes of Sefarad are a suggested journey through the most notable Jewish quarters.

Useful information
Red de Juderías de España (Network of Jewish Quarters in Spain)
Tel. +34 972214618

Source: Web server of Instituto de Turismo de España, TURESPAÑA.

Castilla Leon guide

Castilla y Leon Map
Avila map
Burgos map
Leon map
Palencia map
Salamanca map
Segovia map
Valladolid map
Zamora map

Natural Park Los Lobos
Sierra de Gredos
Picos de Europa

Camino de Santiago
Cañadas Route
Carlos V Route
Channels Route
Route of El Cid
Route of El Duero
Route of the Castilian Language
Sefarad Routes

D.O. Bierzo
D.O. Cigales
D.O. Ribera del Duero
D.O. Rueda
D.O. Toro

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