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Asturias information

Covadonga information

This village belongs to the “mancomunidad de Oriente de Asturias”.

The sanctuary of Covadonga is located in the east area of Asturias, in the municipality of Cangas de Onis, on a narrow and steep valley surrounded of lofty mountains at a maximum heigh of 263 m over the level of the sea.

Just at 10 Km from the village Cangas de Onís ,appear the magnificience of Covadonga with 240m heigth where The Virgin (Santina) wanted to settle to unify the whole Spain in Christ and to spill his benedictions.

Festivity : on September 8

Alongside the cave of Covadonga the basílica is a pilgrimage place for the population of Asturias.

This building has a Neo-Romanesque style with 2 towers at each side of the main entrance.It houses fantastic works art like a canvas by Madrazo.We can also see the statue of Pelayo in the square and finally in the cave there are the image of “Santina” and the tombs of the kings Pelayo and Alfonso I.

There is also a gold panel representing the famous battle of Covadonga.

Asturias guide

Asturias map
Asturias information
Asturias gastronomy
Oviedo information
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Aviles information
Covadonga information

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