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Sierra de Segura. Navalcaballo - River Tus. Jaén trekking routes

Time: Two hours.

We shall take the road to Siles and before the crossroads to Segura de la Sierra there is a forest track to the right that initially makes its way softly up to a hill and then softly descends to the environs of the river Tus. The landscape has a wild overwhelming beauty untouched by man.

La Comarca´s brook flows into its right bank and susequently the river becomes narrower. Previosly we have left a junction to the right which leads to the Espino.

Jaen trekking routes

Sierra de Cazorla. River Borosa.
Ascent along the river Aguasmulas
Poblado del Tranco - Fuente de los Cerezos
Pontones - Source of the river Segura
Orcera - Segura de la Sierra - Navalcaballo's forest house
Sierra de Segura. Navalcaballo - Ascent to the Yelmo
Sierra de Segura. Navalcaballo - Ascent to the Navalperal.
Sierra de Segura. Navalcaballo - Ascent to the Espino
Sierra de Segura. Descent of the river Madera - River Segura
La Toba - Casicas del río Segura - Anchuricas´ reservoir
Santiago de Pontones and its surroundings
Ascent of the river Linarejos - Cola de Caballo - Cerrada de Utrero
Sierra de Segura. Navalcaballo - River Tus
Andújar - Nuestra Señora Virgen de las Cabezas Sanctuary
North countryside. Bailén - Baños de la Encina
Sierra Mágina. Huelma - Ascent to Mágina´s peak
Sierra Mágina. Mancha Real - Pico Almadén
Natural Park of Cazorla, Segura and the Villas
Sierra de Cazorla. Vadillo Castril - Valdeazores tarn
Vadillo Castril - Parador Nacional del Adelantado
Vadillo Castril - Las Herrerías bridge - El Oso track - El Oso fountain
Cañada de las Fuentes - Puertollano - Ascent to the Cabañas
Navas de San Pedro - Guadalentín - La Bolera´s reservoir
Sierra del Pozo. Puerto Llano - Tiscar.


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