Barcelona information
February Carnaval, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday.
From Fat Thursday to Ash Wednesday, Barcelona gives itself up
heart and soul to the kingdom of Carnestoltes. With a warm heart
and a party mood, this potbellied ruler guides the desires of
the city, filling Barcelona with masked balls, great feasts and
processions full of creativity. In 2004 it begins on February
19th. Also huge celebrations and parades in Sitges, 30 minutes
from the city.
The Carnival has many activities, like the entrance of the Rei
Carnestoltes (King) as the inauguration of the festivities, or
the Big "Botifarrada", a big catalan sausage breakfast. The main
dish of course is La Gran Rua, the big parade where hundreds dress
in their fanciest and craziest costumes and other thousands watch
Each neighbourhood has its own celebrations, one better than the
other, so there are lots of choices to have a great time. Website.
February 12
Santa Eulalia, the former Patron Saint of Barclona
who had been displaced by La Merced, the current Patron Saint.