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Almeria trekking Sierra Nevada - Abrucena



Sierra Nevada - Abrucena (4 h. aprox.)

This trekking route offers the opportunity of a nice walk through the area of Sierra Nevada, without penetrating deep into the mountains.

We start leaving Abrucena along the track which leads to the recreational area of La Roza, climbing up a beautiful cliff rich in vegetable species.

About five km. farther we shall arrive at San Martín country house, where we shall leave the track in order to make our way upwards through a cliff in a steep valley, now without a track.

Then we shall arrive at the Rellano country estate, sorrounded by chestnut, almond and plum trees.

We can make the way back along the track which goes to Abrucena.

Andalucia trekking routes

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Nijar - Agua Amarga - Las Negras
Nijar - Cabo de Gata - Punta Polacra
Nijar - Cabo de Gata - San Jose
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Sierra Alhamilla baths
Sierra Alhamilla. Mini-Hollywood
Sierra Alhamilla. Níjar - Huebro - Turrillas
Sierra de Gador. Almería - Enix
Sierra de los Filabres. Laroya
Sierra de los Filabres. Las Rojas
Sierra de los Filabres. Senes - Laroya
Sierra de los Filabres. Uleila del Campo
Sierra de los Filabres. Velefique - Tetica de Bacares
Sierra Maria. Travesia de la Sierra
Sierra Maria. Velez Blanco
Sierra Nevada - Abrucena
Sierra Nevada - Cerro del Almirez
Sierra Nevada - El Nacimiento - Alboloduy
Sierra Nevada - El Roble - Cerro del Almirez
Sierra Nevada - La Ragua
Sierra Nevada - Lajuar - Cerro del Almirez
Sierra Nevada - Ocaña


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