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Valladolid information

A Real Protest, help us!!!

Dear Visitor from this web site we want to protest agaist this Community against Valladolid and of course the main village Tordesillas.

In the middle of the XXI century this village "Tordesillas" continue with a XV century tradition doing atrocities, murders and barbarisms in the local fair, they said they continue with the tradition, and the tradition is murder a bull, hundreds of people on their horses and with a lance kill the bull, with little hurts the bull has a terrible and painful dead. While he is dying through little and painfull hurt and courteous all the population enjoy it, they screaming they have fun with it, because .."It´s a tradition". The agony of this bull keep it through 25 or 30 minutes.

Please Help us to stop this murders!!!!!!

Dont buy any products from Castile and Leon, Like wine from Ribera del Duero, Alquira licor, PVC Accesories from "Nueva Terrain" Company, Olive, gherkins in vinagar, Baby onions and olive oil from "Los Aceituneros", never stop or eat in RESTAURANTE HOTEL 59, Ctra. Tordesillas Km. 59, or any of the restaurant on this village.

This bulls are already dead by this cruel tradition:

It will only take you two minutes to avoid another bull to die like this, send this email to the town hall of Tordesillas and to the Castile and Leon authorities:

this are the emails you will have to send the following email:

Al Ayuntamiento de Tordesillas (se excluye el Excmo por razones obvias)

Mediante la presente les comunico mi total desacuerdo e indignación por la tradición de la fiesta llamada "El Toro de la Vega", en la cual un toro es maltratado cruel y vilmente hasta su agonía mediante el uso indiscriminado de pequeñas lanzas.

Les invito con esta protesta al cese inmediato de tal barbarie en esas fiestas, hasta que esto no termine NO COMPRARE nada que venga de su pueblo ni de su comunidad, NO VISITARE su pueblo y daré a conocer el poblado Bárbaro del cual ustedes se enorgullecen.

Atentamente (Please put here your names)

This are the killer, the town hall give a rewards to the person with a golden medal and a new lance:

Tordesillas: Restaurants guide

Bar Avenida
Tel: +34 983770771

Bar Restaurante Don Pancho
Tel: +34 983770174

El Cruce
Tel: +34 983771942

El Torreón
Tel: +34 983770123

Tel: +34 983796482

Hostal-Restaurante El Pardo
Tel: +34 983770376

Jeremias de Lozas SL.
Tel: +34 983770640

Los Duques (Horno de asar)
Tel: +34 983771992

Meson Duero SL.
Tel: +34 983770968

Meson Rusky
Tel: +34 983796557

Mesón Valderrey
Tel: +34 983796313

Palacio El Corregidor
Tel: +34 983771496

Rancho Grande II
Tel: +34 983796145

Restaurante Torre Silano
Tel: +34 983771111

San Antolin
Tel: +34 983796771

Source: Web server of Instituto de Turismo de España, TURESPAÑA.

Valladolid guide

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