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Palencia information

Frómista information

The capital of Palencia's Romanesque legacy, the town of Frómista is a stage on the Pilgrim's Road to Santiago de Compostela.

Churches such as San Pedro and Santa María are the main cultural attractions of the town, along with the hermitage of Santiago and its image of the Virgen del Otero. But Frómista's most outstanding monument is the church of San Martín, a work of art conceived as an image. This temple, which was founded in the 11th century, stands out because of the simplicity of its lines and the perfect balance struck between the architecture and the incredible wealth of decoration. A wonderful display of light, colours and lines which represents a milestone in the Romanesque style linked to the Pilgrim's Road to Santiago de Compostela. Two kilometres from town is the Pozomingo fountain, where remains have been uncovered of what could have been Frómista in the Roman age, before Arab occupation.

Source: Web server of Instituto de Turismo de España, TURESPAÑA.

Palencia guide

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Palencia map
Palencia information
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