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Avila information

Cueva del Águila (Cave of the Eagle)

Opening hours:
Autumn-winter: 10:30 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00. Spring-summer: 1 hour later.

Situated on Romperropas hill. It is an iron mineral mountain, calcareous and brambled. The cave was discovered in 1963. Its main nave is 20 metres high and its walls are the same temperature all year round, 20 degrees centigrade. The stalactites and stalagmites continue their formation as the cave is humid.

Source: Web server of Instituto de Turismo de España, TURESPAÑA.

Avila guide

Castilla y Leon Map
Avila map
Arenas Accomodation
Arenas castle
Arenas caves
Arenas restaurants
Arevalo information
Arevalo restaurants
Arevalo accommodation
Cochinillo of Arevalo

Avila information
Basilica of Avila
Cathedral of Avila
Avila Gastronomy
Avila Outskirts
Avila Golf Course
Avila Holy Week
Avila Monastery
Avila Walls
Avila Museums

Avila Restaurants
The Avila of Sta. Teresa
Avila writers
Barco information
Barco Castle
Barco accommodation & restaurants
Barco Beans
Barco of Carlos V
Madrigal information

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