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Valencia Museums

Museum visitors have a wide choice in Valencia, as shown by the following notes on opportunities for an interesting use of your free time.

Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM) Valencian Institute of Modern Art
Permanent exhibition of sculptures by Julio González and regular temporary exhibitions by some of today's leading avant-garde representatives of the arts.

Museo de Bellas Artes Museum of Fine Arts
Outstanding works from the Valencian School: Joan de Joanes, Ribalta, Espillosa, Vicente López, Sorolla, Pinazo, etc. International works such as Velázquez's self-portrait, works by Pinturicchio, Andrea del Sarto, Van Dyck, Murillo, El Greco, Goya, etc. In the sculpture pavilion, you'll see interesting examples of contemporary art and an important archeological collection.

Museo Nacional de Cerámica National Ceramics Museum
Housed in the Palace of the Marqués de Dos Aguas, with a façade in the churrigueresque style, this museum offer an overview of outstanding works in ceramics from Manises, Paterna and Alcora.

Museo de la Catedral - Cathedral Museum
Of note are the works by Almedina, Joanes, Goya, Jacomart, Alonso Cano and Orrente.

Museo Paleontológico Paeleontological Museum
Contains a collection ol insects and fossils. The most important museum exhibited is the skeleton of a megatherium.

Museo del Patriarca Patriarch's Museum
A collection worthy of mention, including works by El Greco and early Flemish painters.

Museo de la Prehistoria Museum of Prehistory
A view of the Paleolithic including a range of curious remains and fossils.

Museo Taurino Bullfighting Museum
One of the oldest and most impressive in Spain, with a variety of bullfighting memorabilia from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

Museo Fallero Fallas Museum
The Ninots are the cartoon-like figures or statuettes decorating the monumental Valencian falla. Each year, since 1934, the cream of the crop have been saved from the roaring flames and kept in this museum, together with posters, photographs and other objects connected with the fallas.

Centro de Artesanía de la Comunidad Valenciana Craftsmanship Centre of the Land of Valencia
Displays a wide selection of works by Valencian artisans.

Museo Histórico Municipal Municipal Historical Museum
Located in the Ayuntamiento(City Hall), the museum has a collection of historical objects, including the Senyera (the regional flag), the pennant of James I the Conquerer ,the 15th century Flemish tablet of the Final Judgement and a series of antique books and guild memorabilia.

Casa-MuseoJosé Benlliure Museum-Homeof José Benlliure
Contains the works of this wellknown Valencian artist, along with ceramics and objects from the epoch.

Museo Marítimo Joaquín Saludes Joaquín Saludes Maritime Museum
Located in the Torres de Serranos (the east gateway to the ancient city), this exposition presents a valuable collection of amphorae and other archeological objects brought up from the Mediterranean seabed, as well as an attractive shipmodel display.

Museo de la Ciudad Palacio Marqués de Campo City Museum- Marquésde Campo Palace
Holds an archeological collection illustrating the pre-Roman age and the founding of the city, and a part of the municipal art gallery. It also contains a permanent exhibition of Christian Valencia in the XIII th and XIV th centuries .

Valencia guide

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Valencia Information
Valencia airport
Valencia Alto Turia
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Valencia Attractions
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Valencia by night
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Valencia El palmar
Valencia Fallas
Valencia Festivities
Valencia Gardens
Valencia Gastronomy
Valencia golf
Valencia La Albufera

Valencia location
Valencia Monuments
Valencia Museums
Valencia Porcelain
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The Devesa
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