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Zaragoza information

Calatayud information

Calatayud has its most important historical antecedent in the founding of Bilbilis Augusta, a Roman city that was the birthplace of illustrious characters, such as the poet Martial.

The arrival of the Arabs in the area, at the beginning of the 8th century, led to settlement in the city's current location around the Castle of Ayub (Qal'atAyyub), which gave rise to the placename.

Its importance went on throughout the centuries so that in the 19th C. it came to be the fourth province of Aragon. Nowadays it is a county capital and city of monuments.

Calatayud is situated at the foot of a site formed by five castles from the Arab era, considered one of the oldest defensive systems in Muslim Spain. Of the Castle of Ayub, three octagonal towers remain, as well as many stretches of wall.

The city brings together countless aristocratic houses and Renaissance palaces. In the Plaza Mayor stands the City Hall and the Inn of Dolores, an establishment which refers to a legendary woman who has inspired famous "copla" songs.

Source: Web server of Instituto de Turismo de España, TURESPAÑA.

Zaragoza guide

Aragon map
Zaragoza map
Zaragoza information
Zaragoza monuments
Basilica del Pilar
La Aljafería of Zaragoza

La Seo in Zaragoza
Church of Sta Engracia
La Lonja of Zaragoza
Gargallo Museum
Zaragoza Gastronomy
Zaragoza accommodation

Sos del Rey Católico information
Tarazona information
Daroca information
Nuévalos information
Calatayud information
Mudejar Architecture in Calatayud
Calatayud:Surroundings & cuisine

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