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Seville Routes by Constantina


Constantina-Cerro del Hierro Las Navas de la Concepción-La Puebla de los Infantes.


Constantina - Cerro del Hierro (13 km.) Soon after leaving Constantina on the A-455 we take the detour towards San Nicolás del Puerto (SE-163).
We’ll soon find the sign to Cerro del Hierro. This old mining village has a trekking route with the same name. The karstic landscape is full of tunnels, hollowed rocks, paths, etc.

Cerro del Hierro - Las Navas de la Concepción (21 km) :

We carry on Las Navas de la Concepción on the SE-155 leaving La Sierra del Lorito to our left.

Las Navas de la Concepción - La Puebla de las Infantes (24 km).

The route ends taking the SE-141 towards Puebla de los Infantes. On our way we’ll go past the El Retortillo reservoir that stores the water from the surrounding mountain ranges and shows a spectacular view from its viewing point.

If you take the route at the beginning of autumn you can make a small variation from Las Navas de la Concepción, on the SE-159, that goes to the San Calixto carmelite convent, from where you can hear "la berreá".

Length: 58 Km

Sevilla routes by car

San Nicolás del Puerto- Alanís - Guadalcanal - Cazalla de la Sierra.
El Real de la Jara - Almadén de la Plata.
El Pedroso - Constantina - Cazalla de la Sierra.
Constantina-Cerro del Hierro Las Navas de la Concepción-La Puebla de los Infantes.

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