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Cordoba Guadalquivir

The Shores of the Guadalquivir

The Guadalquivir runs through the province of Córdoba from east to west and divides it clearly into two parts, the Sierra Morena mountain range to the north and the flat countryside, "campiña", to the south. The river winds through delightful villages, frequently passing from mountainous areas to "campiña". Montoro is a good example. The river there, which is crossed by a Renaissance bridge, gently meanders through and which are overshadowed by the tower of San Bartolomé which in turn overlooks the Square of Spain in the heart of the town with its impressive buildings, including the present town-hall.

The river defines the territory and on both sides there are many villages - Villa del Río, Almodóvar del Río, Palma del Río and so on -; and surprises, such as the modern mosque in Pedro Abad where, of course, there is also no lack of interesting churches like the Asunción. Very close by we find El Carpio which has a solid tower overlooking the compact gathering of white houses. Having passed through Córdoba, the river runs close to the most important Arabic runs in Andalusia, those of the Palace Medina Azhara. At some six kilometres from the capital, there are remains of what was once a lavish palace built by Abderramán III. There are also delightful views of Córdoba city and the river valley which can be seen froom the hermitages on the lower foothills of the immediate mountain range.

Almodóvar del Río, near the capital and Breña reservoir, conserves an impressive castle of Gothic-Mudéjar desgin and Arabic origin which is in very good condition. In Posadas we can admire the parish church of Nuestra Señora de las Flores and to conclude, bordering the province of Seville, Palma del Río which boasts three kilometres of well-conserved old city walls and slender towered churches, such as that of the Asunción. From Palma del Río, we can see the convent of San Francisco which is today not only a church but also a guest-house and restaurant. Among orange groves, next to Palma, the river Guadalquivir and Genil unite. The Genil is the other large river of Andalusia which passes through localities in Cordoba such as Puente Genil, a lively well-looked after town which has lovely parish churches such as that of Jesús Nazareno. This is the home of quince jelly and is also famous for its unusual Semana Santa and its own permanent museum.

Cordoba guide

Andalucia Map
Cordoba map
Cordoba street map
Cordoba weather
Cordoba information
Cordoba airport
Cordoba Countryside
Cordoba description
Cordoba Fiestas
Cordoba Gastronomy
Cordoba golf
Cordoba Guadalquivir
Cordoba History

Cordoba Hotels
Cordoba los Pedroches
Cordoba Monuments
Cordoba Museums
Cordoba Natural Reserves
Cordoba Province
Cordoba Sierra Morena
Cordoba Subbetica
Cordoba the Caliphate


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