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Almeria trekking Sierra Nevada - Lajuar - Cerro del Almirez



Sierra Nevada - Lajuar - Cerro del Almirez (9 h. aprox.)

We start in Laujar de Andarax town walking on to Paterna del Río. One km. farther, we shall take a forest track that branches off to the right.

The track is quite tortuous but gives a spectacular view of the countryside and of the Laujar town.

Then we shall reach the rest of Monterrey leaving a track to our right towards the Cortijo del cerecillo shelter sorrounded by a recreation area dominated by pines and planted with walnuts and chestnut trees.

A steep track behind the shelter goes to the Albergue de Gabiarra.

Walking on the northeast along the spur we shall reach a hill on the right of which is the Cerro del Almirez, 2,817 m. at its highest point.

Its better to do it in a couple of days.


Andalucia trekking routes

Albufera Adra
Campo de Tabernas. Sorbas - La Huelga
Nijar - Agua Amarga - Las Negras
Nijar - Cabo de Gata - Punta Polacra
Nijar - Cabo de Gata - San Jose
Nijar - San Jose - Punta Polacra
Olula de Castro - Rambla del Verdelecho
Sierra Alhamilla baths
Sierra Alhamilla. Mini-Hollywood
Sierra Alhamilla. Níjar - Huebro - Turrillas
Sierra de Gador. Almería - Enix
Sierra de los Filabres. Laroya
Sierra de los Filabres. Las Rojas
Sierra de los Filabres. Senes - Laroya
Sierra de los Filabres. Uleila del Campo
Sierra de los Filabres. Velefique - Tetica de Bacares
Sierra Maria. Travesia de la Sierra
Sierra Maria. Velez Blanco
Sierra Nevada - Abrucena
Sierra Nevada - Cerro del Almirez
Sierra Nevada - El Nacimiento - Alboloduy
Sierra Nevada - El Roble - Cerro del Almirez
Sierra Nevada - La Ragua
Sierra Nevada - Lajuar - Cerro del Almirez
Sierra Nevada - Ocaña


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